It's meant to sound wrong.
You clicked because well,
you have a good imagination.
It was my first time waxing,
but I was fortunate enough to get it for free.
Yes, who doesn't like free beneficial stuff?
The place: Furless in JayaOne
It's behind/ next to Duck King depending on where you're coming from.
I was so overwhelmed by my experience that I forgot to take picture.
Such a good blogger right.
Thus the result.
All photos from their FB page. (Click!!)
The shop assistants and the boss were really friendly.
I got there early,
so the boss chatted with us.
She explained that their products are what we would call
the good stuff,
which means less pain, more satisfaction.
Notice, it's LESS pain, not painless.
It would be an obvious lie if someone said waxing was utterly painless.
Imagine pulling off chunks of your hair,
but at Furless, it's less pain.
I was pretty nervous,
because well, it was my first time pulling hair off with wax,
and it's well, down where the sun don't usually shine.
Because just like hair on your head,
hair everywhere else don't come in 1 type or form.
Some are longer, some shorter, some coarser, some fine, etc
They use 3 different types of wax,
and the heat is adjustable.
The whole process was interactive,
because I'm guessing they won't want the people waiting outside
to be terrified over the screams caused by wax that's too hot,
or the pulling off that's too brutal.
I'm quite good at guessing you see.
Don't be shy to tell the person if the wax is too hot.
You don't want burnt parts, especially, well, you-know-where.
But the best part of this waxing treatment is that after the hot waxing,
there's a cooling mask which will take the pain away.
I shall not comment on how much pain it was,
because how much pain one can take is highly subjective.
And it depends on where you wax too.
For example I have 7 ear piercings,
but I can't stand plucking eyebrows. =/
Well I could say that the pain of waxing is different from the 2 mentioned above.
I managed to go to a tea party right after the waxing though,
so you have a rough idea.
If you want to try waxing on any part of your body,
go to Furless,
If you're first timer there and you say my name:
You'll get 50% off!! =D
Say my name say my name~
If you just want to try it,
check out the prices here.
Do call and ask(click for contact) them if you have ANY related questions or to make appointments.
Make sure you make appointments and don't be late~!!
That's what J_Fish has to say~ Au Revoir~