Friday 13 December 2013

A lemony rawr- Double Refreshment

Last Friday, the Tiger Radler was launched!

〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)✿✿✿✿ (ノ ̄▽ ̄)ノ✿✿✿✿ (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Tiger with natural lemon juice= double refreshment.
A drink much needed especially after a long week of tiring work.

 I was so excited to be there!!
Thanks to the accident on Federal Highway,
I got there sliiightly later than expected.
But I didn't miss out on the fun!!

Other than having the chance to be there to witness the launch of a refreshing new drink, 
we can get prizes too!!
It's not even hard.
Uploading selfies.
Talk about piece of cake.

Everywhere you turned, there's the blue and yellow representing Tiger Radler Double Refreshment.

 One Buck Short and Kyoto Protocol were jamming like rockstars, 
making chilling after work with Tiger Radler better.
There was a DJ live spinning too.
Have to say,
it was a great time to hang out with other bloggers and enjoy a good beer on a Friday.

DJ Major doing his thing.


I don't know why the colour turn out like that even before editing.
It looks ok on my phone and on the computer screen, but when I upload it to blogger, it turns out like that. Tsk.

 Ok but at least this one with Miss Fluffy Furfer is ok. 
Finally seen her after a very long time.

A great chillax session with my group of friends is much needed after a long week of boring 9 to 5 office life, and to make the hangout session better, we have the the real lemon juice in our beer.
*refresh mode activated*

They had photo booths with lots and lots of props to pose with 
(for the I-don't-know-where-to-put-my-hands-when-taking-picture-people)
and polaroid girls there to help preserve the happy event. 
Very thoughtful of the organizers.

I'm extra happy for the photo services because my phone's camera has become near-sighted.
All pictures had to be taken with Yat's phone.

Group photo!!
Thanks to Jackie lol.


Cheers to double refresment and a great night with Tiger Radler!!
It has a strong lemony freshness with a zesty taste added to good old #TigerBeerMY.
I'm in love.
 ̄ー ̄

Take a peek at #TigerBeerMY's Facebook page too. 
That's what J_Fish has to say~ Au Revoir~

1 comment :

  1. I dont drink so I wont know if this is really good but am thinking of getting a couple for my dad :)
